Sunday, August 2, 2009

yg Mane saTuu??

CaTataN si pEnCataT : seLL at 5:52 PM
mmm ari ini sy nak cite pasaL kawan2...
rasenye sume org ade kawan2...
kawan2 bende yg paleng penting dlM idop kot kan...
kaLo tade kawan mesti idop jadik kosong...
sy rase kawan2 sy lg penting dr pakwe sy...

cume masaLah ngn sy ialah kawan2 sy berubah2 mengikot dimane sy berade...
kenkadang org tuu bole kawan ngn kawan die dr sekolah rendah sampai laaa die kawenn...
tp sy slalunye kawan ikot tempat..
kawan sy ade dimane sy berade...
kawan2 sy yg sekolah rendh duluu da lame tak jumpe..
dan lame tak contact...
seb bek ade facebooK..
make sy jumpe balekk kawan2 sekolah rendah duluu...
tp tak sempat2 lg nak wat reunion...

bile sy sekolah menengah kawan2 sy yg laen pulakk...
begituuu laaa sampai m3x dan u...
cume ade 2, 3 org kwn skolah yg maseh slalu berjumpe mase cutii contohnye fiz, iza, siLa..

bile kat u kawan laen pulakk...
kawan ikot dorm...
pas2 ikot umahhh..
sy akan paleng rapat ngn budak2 umah sy..
sbb sy tak reti tido2 umah orgg..
cemane pon sy selesa kat umah sendiri...
jadik kadang2 sy pelik tgk org yg nak gi tido umah org laen tuuu...
kalo sy paleng2 pon umah kawan baekk bole laaa...

dan kadang2 sian jugak kat org yg kawan ngn sy tuuu...
sbb sy tak caring..
sy tak menjage..
sy tak menyebok...
sy bese2 jeee...
sy tak reti sgt nak sebok2 haL org ...
jadi same la maksoDnye ngn sy tak caring...

n bende2 pentig dalam idop sy slalunye sy kongsi ngn kawan2 sy yg rapatt..
cam blog ini ..
dulunye blog ini tak dipublishh..
jadik sy bg pd org2 tertentuuu saje...
jadik org2 yg tade blog sy kemungkinannye ade 2:
1) sy lupe nak bg kat die sbb die tak slalu ngn sy pon
2) die memang bukan org yg penting..

jadikk kalo la ade org yg mengaku korang tu bestie die...
tp die tak bg korang pon access blog die walopon korang da tebaL muke cam temboK mintak byk kaLi... ape korang akan pk:-
1) org yg mengaku bestie korang tuuu terlalu maluu nak tunjok bloG die yg gempakk
2) org yg mengaku bestie korang tuuu tanak share pon ngn korang bende2 yg die tuLes tuuu
3) terbaruu org yg mengaku bestiee korang tuuu da tak mengakuuu lg korang bestie die sbb die da ade bestie baruu ...
4) org yg mengaku bestie korang tuu memang wanted...die pedulik ape korang nak kecik ati pon...

mmm yg mane satuu gaknye ekk???
ade sape2 nk jawab takk???

5 sUare haLuss~:

Anonymous said...

susah nak jawab tuu..takpe..mungkin die ade sebab tersendiri kot kenape die tak beri..

pikir positif yeer.jom:)

Anonymous said...

ada sebab kenape die tak beri.
mungkin alasan nya untuk kebaikan kamu berdua.mane ade worang tak nak jaga hati bestie nye kan?jadi rasa rasanya langkah itu dibuat oleh bestie anda untuk benda yg baik.mungkin dia rasa bila tak beritahu akan membuatkan keadaan ok atau bahagia dia antara kamu berdua.
mari berfikir positif.tiada bestie yang tak sayang bestie dia.

saya takda bestie.sebab saya memang dah tak percaya semua tu.

tp saya suka tengaok org yang ada bestie.without frens we are nothing.

think positive.ur bestie and you love love each other,make the frenship last till the end!yeah!

-bukan penyibok tapi suke membaca dan mengomen-

seLL on August 11, 2009 at 9:00 PM said...

its just maybe...
but its true..
without frens we are nothing...
frens will last forever..
so i love my frens..heheh :D

but for those who doesnt have bestie or doesnt have bestie anymore...
don know which...

without frens we are nothing..
but without bestie we still have frens...
its not the end of ur day..

somethings happen for a reason..
but sometimes somethings happens with a creted reason which for me means no other than a big 'alasan'...
im really susah to effected by others..
wat's in my mind cannot be change till i change it by myself...
thanks for the comments newayy..
really a big THANKS..
comment la lg..

Anonymous said...

wowh,takpe ke comment ni.tak boleh pun saya tetap comment:)i ade bestie before.but not anymore.
but i have friends.
they warmth me.
yea its good if u're not easily affected by others,really good,thats impressive.
we should really be in the same shoes before we judge, isn't it?
instead of easily affected by a scenario.u really love ur bestie do u? i love a friend and will never love other people sebgaimana saya sayang dia.tapi sekarang none lah kan.but i'm happy still.
nothing to be thank of.
thanks to u for letting me dropping by comments!arigatouna!

seLL on August 11, 2009 at 11:37 PM said...

dis is a public blog..
anyone can drop by n comment as he/she likes..
if tak bolehh...
tak pyh bukak blog kot...
tak pon simpan blog sendiri..
dun have to publish..
or maybe writing diary is better????


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